Josenhans FF ~ Red Drum Walk-On

29 04 2011
This is a walk-on notice to split a trip for trophy red drum this Sunday (5/1) out of Crisfield. We will meet at the Somers Cove ramp in Crisfield at 3:00 pm and fish till dark (8:00 or so). The cost of the trip for two is $325 plus bait (probably around $25). So you’re looking at about $175 each. If I get three it will be less (but a little more for bait) Let me know soon as I have one guy firm and need another. Well, I don’t really need another, he does – he’s going either way 😉
Call at 443-783-3271 or email at

Josenhans FF ~ Flats is Toast

29 04 2011

Uncle!! The springs rains just wouldn’t leave us alone. There are 18 spill gates open at Conowingo Dam as I write this. Oh well, we’ll get ’em next year. I hear the big red drum have moved into Tangier Sound. If anyone would like to try an evening trip for the fish of a lifetime please let me know. These fish average 30# – 40#.  Here is one more pic from the flats this spring. Photo and fish courtesy of Scott Evander.

Josenhans FF ~ Decision Time

22 04 2011
Scott's 18 pound channel cat

Scott's 18 pound channel cat

Scott Evander and his 17 pound striper
Scott Evander and his 17 pound striper

As we wind down on the 2011 catch & release season at the Susquehanna Flats, most of the guides will be making a decision in the days ahead whether to hold or throw in their cards. To put it mildly, this flats season has, so far, been a bust! As of today, the water is still muddy, while falling gradually in the river. We are hoping the forecast rains in PA are lighter than expected so we can salvage the last week of the season. I am on a hold pattern and not fishing until at least next Monday. Bait fishermen are still catching a few nice fish, but that’s not really what I signed up for. I’ll keep you posted.

On the bright side, my last trip out was this past Monday with Scott Evander and Hovik Taymoorian, D.O. We fished cut herring on circle hooks with the hope of catching a trophy rock or even a big channel cat. We were lucky and managed to accomplish both goals. Hovik and Scott were both having fun with a steady bite from the catfish – with Scott earning top honors with a monster 18 pound specimen – when just before dusk, Scott put icing on the cake with a 17 pound striper. The fish nailed his herring and gave him a strong battle and the photo-op he had been waiting for. All fish were released unharmed to fight another day. The guys had a great time and really enjoyed themselves despite the tough conditions.

Hovik Taymoorian, D.O. with a nice cat

Josenhans FF ~ Wet Spring

16 04 2011

Pennsylvania rain, cool water temperatures and a lack of fish have made it slow going on the flats. Most fish caught have been on cut herring and the occasional trolled/cast plug up in the river. Right now, all fish are big – twenty pounds plus – there just aren’t that many of them. Last year was like this and then, literally overnight, the flats was overrun with stripers. Looking for the action to pick up soon, provided this storm cycle we’re in lets up.

Josenhans FF ~ G.Loomis NRX

10 04 2011

The new G.Loomis NRX is on my boat and ready for fun! Come out and try it!!

Josenhans FF ~ Pocomoke Crappie

8 04 2011

Jesse with a Pocomoke crappie

Yesterday, we fished the Pocomoke River for the last time before heading to the Susquehanna Flats. This was a crappie trip, but we would take anything that put a bend in the rod. I met Jesse Maffuid and Bernie Kemp at Byrd Park in Snow Hill for a six-hour step back in time on the beautiful, dark clear waters of the Pocomoke. I hadn’t raised the throttle over idle speed before we wet our first line. Almost immediately, a couple of crappie spit the hook, but it was not what we were looking for. I traveled down river to Nassawango Creek to a favorite hole, and after a minute or two Jesse hooked up with a nice crappie on a chartreuse and black, jig and float combo.  Another crappie or two came over the side, Bernie caught a nice fourteen-inch bass and so it went. Over the next few hours Bernie added a couple or three more small bass and Jesse was high man on the crappie, along with a few colorful yellow perch. Bernie even had a surprise bluegill nail his small grub.

Bernie casting the spadderdock edges

That’s the nice thing about fishing this river is the variety. Even fishing small crappie jigs, every strike can bring a surprise. We finished the day with a flurry, along with the biggest crappie of the day within sight of the ramp. I think the largest stretched the tape to about twelve inches. Not jumbo crappie my southern standards but fun non-the-less. Onto the flats where, hopefully, the water has cleared and the stripers are hungry!

Josenhans FF ~ Ready for the Flats

4 04 2011

43" Susquehanna Flats rock on fly

I had the boat in the shop this past week to replace a clogged fuel filter in the engine. I think this HPDI has about four of the things in the gas line. It’s a wonder any gas gets through at all. Ethanol seems to be the culprit in this case as it’s cleaning out my inboard fuel tank and sending all that crud through to the engine. Thinking about switching to ethanol free fuel. I’ve got a trip or two on the Pocomoke this week for crappie, bass, etc. and then I’ll be heading up to the Susky flats. I’m just about booked solid starting next Monday, but I still have two days open before the season ends on May 3. If anyone wants one of these last two dates, now is the time to call. I have a few guys on standby should the fishing get hot, but the early bird gets the rockfish. Still a few spots left for a half day evening topwater trip as well.