Searching for West

28 06 2015

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of guiding Mark Seacat of Seacat Creative, an “authentic marketing” company based in Bozeman, Montana. Seacat Creative promotes products utilizing an outdoor adventure experience through videography, photography, writings, and social media. Mark has a résumé of outdoor adventures a mile long, be it hunting and fly fishing his native Montana, trout fishing New Zealand, sailing the Pacific, or as a sponsored climber of the worlds peaks. An excellent fly caster in his own right, Mark really gave the stripers a workout on day one. While not the trophies of the spring season, their sheer numbers more than made up for the smaller size. Day two threw us a curve, with a cold front bringing strong northerly winds and tough fishing. Still, it was a most enjoyable two days of fly fishing the Chesapeake. The link below takes you to a short movie featuring Mark on his annual quest for elk. While it has been out for about three years, it was only recently that I viewed it for the first time. I wanted to share it with you, not just for the excellent cinematography, but also it’s introspective storyline on hunting and family. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I hope you do as well. 

 Searching for West

Bluefish Arrive at Summer Haunts

13 06 2015

The arrival of two to four pound bluefish is a welcome sign and gives us another species to play with. Now if the speckled trout would get their act together everything will be right with the world. There have been reports of bait fishermen seeing more specks in their creels. Let’s hope the trend continues!  


School Stripers Keeping Clients Happy

8 06 2015

Fish are by no means jumping in the boat but school stripers to 24 inches are keeping clients happy. Light tackle and fly gear in skinny water has been providing exciting action at times, but there are days when we have to work for what we get. Not many specks as of yet but I’m hopeful that will soon change. Anxiously awaiting the arrival of blues and flounder as well. Water has been super clear and all sorts of life is visible while drifting the eel grass flats. Tangier sound really is a beautiful place to fish!   


First Speckled Trout of the Season

5 06 2015

#speckledtrout are gradually starting to make a showing in #tangiersound. Cold stun kills in NC and VA took a toll the past two winters. I look for last year’s tremendous year class to have survived and should start trickling in soon. #Fishing #SeeWhatsOutThere #hogylures #hookedup #BuiltForTheWild #ChesapeakeBayFishing #CCAMD