Better Grade of Rockfish

19 11 2016

Had some success with a larger grade of rockfish yesterday. Deeper water was the ticket.

Striped bass numbers..

6 11 2016

Striped bass numbers remain high, with local anglers catching over 100 schoolies a day casting DOA C.A.L. Shad Tails around the sod banks of Tangier Sound. Stripers are averaging 17″-26″, with the occasional over-slot fish possible. Great fun on light tackle or fly. This is my favorite time of the year to fish the shallows, as the water is often clear enough that you can literally see the rockfish dart out from it’s lie to grab your lure. Fish are holding in areas of strong current flow waiting for small blue crabs and baitfish to be swept their way. Another great location to try is shallow grass flats, where roaming schools of stripers are crashing tightly packed pods of cruising peanut bunker. QUIETLY approach this skinny water so as not to spook the actively feeding stripers. Barring a severe downturn in the weather I look for this action to continue into early December.